The Safety Policy of Whaley Construction is designed to comply with the Standards of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration. We at Whaley Construction endeavor to maintain a safe and injury/illness free workplace. A copy of the OSHA Safety and Health Standards 1926 and 1910 are available for all employees use and reference. These Standards shall be available in the home office at all times and will be sent to the jobsite on request. Compliance with the Safety Policy and all items contained therein is mandatory for all employees of our company. The authorization and responsibility for enforcement has been given primarily to the Safety Director, who works full time implementing a nationally recognized AGC safety program. The employees share in this programs success and ultimate effectiveness as well.

It is Whaley Consruction's policy that accident prevention be a prime concern of all employees. This includes the safety and well being of our employees, subcontractors, and customers, as well as the prevention of wasteful, inefficient operations, and damage to property and equipment.
This Safety Policy applies to all employees of Whaley Construction, regardless of position within the company. The Safety Rules contained in this program also apply to all subcontractors and anyone who is on a company project site.
Every individual on a project is expected to comply with the Safety Policy as well as OSHA Health and Safety Standards.












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